Bedlington & District Red Squirrel Group

Bedlington & District Red Squirrel Group is a team of volunteers protecting native red squirrels in Bedlington and the surrounding areas.

About the Project

Project Goals

Paul and Carole, came to our design meetings with a clear and ambitious vision.

They sought a logo that would capture the spirit of their work and steer clear of the stereotypical images of squirrels often found in logos. They envisioned a red squirrel in motion, embodying vitality, energy, and the dynamism of these remarkable creatures.

Additionally, they wanted to include nut imagery, but without resorting to the common cliché of a squirrel merely holding a nut.

Our Solution

At the heart of the design was a red squirrel in mid-leap, as if gracefully transitioning from one tree stump to another. This dynamic portrayal encapsulated the spirit and agility of these creatures.

What made this logo truly unique was the incorporation of the nut imagery. The squirrel’s gracefully outstretched tail mirrors the shape of an acorn cupule, evoking the relationship between squirrels and their treasured food source, while avoiding the stereotypical representation of a squirrel holding a nut.

In terms of color, the palette was drawn from the natural surroundings of the red squirrel’s habitat, creating a harmonious connection with the woodlands. The result was a fresh, memorable, and evocative representation of both the red squirrel and the group’s mission to protect them.

Colour Palette
